It is that time of year when unhappy couples decide to untie the marital knot, and separate. This often comes as a surprise, even a shock, to one of those parties who may not have realised that the relationship was going downhill (or chose to ignore the signs).
Being the person to instigate having this difficult conversation is extremely painful and there will never be a ‘right’ time, or a better time and putting off the inevitable can mean that another year passes, another year living a life you no longer want.
Jenny Smith is a separation and divorce coach, creator of the Divorced Women’s Club. Over the past 6 years she has coached and mentored 100’s of women through their separation and divorce, I have also been divorced and have real felt knowledge of how devastating this experience can be physically, mentally, emotionally and financially. Unfortunately divorce has the potential to bring out the worst in everyone concerned at some point in time.
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