A destructive divorce can have a major impact on your future, and your ability to move forward. The first thing many couples think of immediately following separation is to confer with a lawyer, when in fact they should give themselves time to come to terms with a massive change in their lives. Sometimes this change is unexpected. In any event it will be one of the most traumatic periods of your life and you should take time to look after yourself and your physical and mental health.
It is difficult to think logically and reasonably following a trauma, and separation is one of the highest stressors you can encounter. You may not think you need outside help from a divorce coach, a counsellor, a psychologist or mediator but these experts will help and guide you through the rocky road to divorce and a property settlement.
If this trauma is not adequately addressed at an early date, it will have a detrimental effect on your health, and your mental and emotional stability, and it will take much longer for you to recover to the point where you can put your past behind you, and move on.
Meetings with an accountant and/or financial adviser will assist you to look at your finances, your business, your superannuation, and assist you to begin to think clearly as to the best settlement for you.
It is only when you are in a position to consider these matters clearly and how they will affect your future, that you should consult with a lawyer to assist to draft the relevant documents to formalise your settlement. Obviously if a situation has arisen that requires legal advice at an earlier stage, such as issues of violence, or if you suspect that your former partner is fraudulently dealing with your assets, you should seek advice at that time.
Separated couples who take the right path after separation, and can agree on an amicable divorce settlement, are more likely to continue to have at least a civil relationship with their former partner. This is important if there are children, who will tie you together forever. The children will appreciate it if you can still get along together, be able to discuss their life challenges, and be able to attend their special events together.
It is also important for you……learning and understanding how to deal with trauma and your emotions will help you to recover more quickly from a separation and enable you to close a door on one chapter of your life, and move confidently forward.
Lyn Lucas is the owner of Online Divorce Lawyer. With over 25 years experience in family law Lyn empathises with couples going through a separation and a property settlement. Her focus with Online Divorce Lawyer is to reduce the pain and deliver excellent results in the process of a property settlement, and to keep clients out of the Family Court. With a negotiated fixed fee for this service, couples have certainty as to their legal costs. Visit Lyn’s site and opt in for a complimentary e-book “Guide to Saving Money with a Divorce Property Settlement”
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