OR….How to Divorce your Spouse, and not your Assets You have separated and feeling distressed, angry, worried about the future, lost, confused, and don’t know what to do, or who to turn to. You are receiving lots of information and advice about a property settlement from well-meaning friends and relatives…..but are they right? In […]
I’m Divorcing, and I Want to Have my Cake and Eat it Too!
Sorry, but that isn’t going to happen! Some clients do believe that they should be entitled to the larger slice of the property pool when they separate. This may be because they misinterpret their lawyer’s advice, or the lawyer has raised their expectations to an unreasonable level. Or they are listening to friends or family […]
36 Things I Wish Someone Told Me About Divorce
Marriage is this beautiful, amazing, loving, caring union … until it’s not. Sure, some marriages last and last, but some crash and burn leaving behind a huge mess and intense heartbreak — no matter if you are the one who asked for a divorce or not. They say marriage takes a lot of work, and […]
We’re Separating – Do I Move Out of The Family Home?
This is a common question that is asked of me by new clients, obviously concerned as to the impact such an action may have on a future property settlement if they move out of the home. Frequently parties can agree that one of them will remain in the home if they are to be the […]
Divorce and Binding Financial Agreements
A Binding Financial Agreement (BFA) can be made before a marriage, during a marriage or after a marriage. Generally, the agreements set out how a couple’s property and financial resources are to be divided in the event of the breakdown of the marriage and the financial maintenance of either of them during the marriage and/or […]