Once upon a time Pre-Nuptial Agreements were the exclusive choice of millionaire celebrities and rich movie stars, but now smart couples are entering into Cohabitation Agreements as an important part in planning their future. Far from showing a lack of trust in a partner, these Agreements can prevent stress and legal costs in the event […]
Separating? 10 Important Things To Do
Have you recently separated, or thinking of separating? It can be a very emotional and traumatic experience, but it is important that you do these things : 1.Keep a note of your final separation date. This date is important for a couple of reasons. If you intend to get divorced, you cannot file an application […]
5 Reasons to Try Mediation after Separation
Separation after a relationship has broken down is a very traumatic experience, and it is often difficult to concentrate and think rationally and logically about decisions that need to be made. Attempting to negotiate a fair division of property at this time can cause a great deal of anxiety, so it is beneficial to agree […]
We’re Separating – Do I Move Out of The Family Home?
This is a common question that is asked of me by new clients, obviously concerned as to the impact such an action may have on a future property settlement if they move out of the home. Frequently parties can agree that one of them will remain in the home if they are to be the […]